The Challenge

Refresh the look, feel and colour scheme for Bright Spark Gifts and improve their SEO.

Bright Spark Gifts were looking to lift their web presence and improve the user experience for customers.

They were also keen to improve their Search Engine ranking through improved SEO across the site.




The Solution

I worked with Carol at Bright Spark Gifts to prioritise her requirements. We discussed the possibility of a brand new WordPress Theme but I recommended that we work to improve the existing one with the view to potentially changing the entire site further down the line once she had established other business changes.

With this in mind I was able to present a number of colour and font alternatives to choose from and then updated the whole website accordingly.

I also worked to fix a number of technical issues and some layout problems to improve the site visually as well as practically for visitors.

Finally we tackled the Website’s SEO, to improve their ranking.  Analysing and where necessary re-writing website copy and updating images.

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